
The Asbury Park Homeowners Association (APHOA) has been advocating for homeowners for more than 25 years. We have been front and center on local issues such as short-term rentals, real estate taxes, and development.

Our mission also includes charitable giving to improve life in Asbury. From building beautiful public gardens to house tours and local college scholarships – The Asbury Park Homeowners Association has been here for all residents.

If you own a home or condominium, please join the association. We are only as powerful as our members!

Membership dues are per calendar year and are $25 per year. You are welcome to join at any time of the year. APHA is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.

Please fill out the membership information form before paying your yearly dues.

Full Name of Primary Member *
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Email *
Please enter a valid email address.
Home Address *
Street Address, Unit (if applicable)
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Number of Members
Please let us know the number of Household members that are joining APHOA
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If more than 1 household member is joining, please list the additional members' full names.
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Asbury Park Homeowner annual dues are $25 per household

Pay securely by clicking on the links below.